At 12:45 pm on Saturday, July 8, 2006, a “Remembrance for Bradley P. Dean” was held in the First Parish Church in Concord, Massachusetts. This event was part of the Thoreau Society’s Annual Gathering.

Click on the following links to read slightly revised versions of texts presented by the four speakers at that event:

On Sunday, July 9, 2006, an informal gathering also took place at Thoreau’s bean-field, where a granite marker was newly installed. In 2005, Brad published an article in The Concord Saunterer (N.S. 12-13 (2004-2005): 86-137) that established the correct location of the bean field.  Click on the following link to read the article:

“Rediscovery at Walden: The History of Thoreau’s Bean-Field” (10.5 MB pdf)


Click on the following link to view photos of the Remembrance and of the bean-field marker:


8–9 July 2006 Photos


The following are links to a few tributes that have appeared in print or online:


Also visit the Concord Historic Buildings Website, part of the CFPL website. Pages on this site are supported, in part, by the Bradley P. Dean Memorial Fund.


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